Setup checklist for Google My Business.

Your Google My business is key to getting discovered in search results and chosen by potential new customers. In this guide, we'll go over how you can integrate your current Google My Business listing with Senter Review and SMS management. Enabling you to attract and optimise your business for search results and better organic traffic. 

Follow these steps: 

1. Within your Senter application, go to 'Apps' > Google My Business. 

2. Click Connect > Sign into your Google Account which is recognised with an active Google My Business account. 

3. Make sure mark Senter as a trusted provider, so click 'Allow'. 

4. Make sure mark Senter as a trusted provider, so click 'Allow'. You should have your Google My Business profiles connected. If you have multiple businesses which you need to setup, then please follow Steps 5 and onwards. If you only have a single Google My Business location, then you do not require any further setup. 


5. Head to Settings, by clicking the menu item.


5. Map each one of your Google My Business locations, to a new store. If you have Facebook connected, then you'll need to do this too. 

6. Once you're done mapping all your stores, then click save. Any mapped locations, will help you send review campaigns to specific stores and sites. It will also only allow customers to review the location which the review invite has been sent from. This is particularly important for multi site or franchise stores.